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Monday, April 19th, 1999 @ 9:08 PM
Subj: Crime
From: [email protected]

Important info. for all my neighbors. I live on Avenida Rotella in the Bernal/Santa Teresa area. I wanted to let you know that there have been several cars broken into over here. There has also been a few different cars on my street stolen and several in this neighborhood that I know of. About this time last year my truck was stolen. We had a blue and Tan Ford Bronco. It was stolen in the middle of the night. We are still looking for the people who did it. They also stole our Blapunck pull out c.d. player. Our C.D. A lot of them had stickers on them with the name Terry and just single initial stickers on them. They stole my car seat, my stroller, my husbands tools and tool box, his school books and our cobra c.b. The police found our truck a week later up in the hills of silver creak. The people had four wheeled it and hit a tree. They left it there. The insurance company considered our truck totaled, and it pretty much was. If any body has any ideas about who could be doing this please let me know. I will up date everybody when I here of anything else going on. It seems to be worse around the path between Avenida Rotella and the stores at Bernal. If we all keep each other informed maybe we can stop some of this crime. Thank you, TERRY

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