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San Jose Councilmember Becomes First to Oppose San Jose Power Plant Proposal
San Jose - Today, San Jose City Councilmember became the first San Jose official to take a position on the controversial proposal to build a power plant in San Jose's Coyote Valley. Dando represents neighborhoods in Almaden, Blossom Valley, and northern Santa Teresa, which are relatively near the proposed site. Below is her sentiment to residents in her City Council District.
"I oppose building the proposed Calpine/Metcalf Energy Center in the Coyote Valley, because it is not an appropriate location. The proposed site is too close to residential neighborhoods and at the front entrance to the world-class Coyote Valley Research Park, where the City hopes to attract 50,000 new jobs.
There are no appropriate locations for a power plant in residential areas like Almaden, Blossom Valley, and Santa Teresa. However, other more isolated locations in San Jose and Santa Clara County could be appropriate.
The South San Jose area already experiences some of the worst air quality in Northern California. The Calpine Power Plant will only worsen the air quality at this location by contributing significant amounts of new air pollution.
The Calpine Power Plant will require the transporting of ammonia along city streets and freeways. These ammonia trucks are not compatible with neighborhoods, a premiere office park, schools and child care centers that currently exist or are planned near this location.
The fact is a power plant does not have to be built at this location to increase the reliability of energy service or decrease the cost of energy for San Jose residents and businesses. A power plant can be built at many other locations from San Francisco to Monterey, and still supply the power generation needs for San Jose and the region.
The Calpine Power Plant will not prevent power outages for residents in the Almaden, Blossom Valley and Santa Teresa areas. The power outages that we experience are problems with the distribution or transmission of electricity, not the generation of electricity.
According to the San Jose Mercury News (12/17/99), even analysts with the California Energy Commission have suggested that there are better sites, including one near Sunol, that would offer greater separation between neighborhoods and the power plant's pollution. I agree."
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