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Eleven year old female Britton Middle School student abducted in November

Reported and written by Scott Scholz

Below is a copy of a letter I received from a neighbor this afternoon (December 10, 1999). The letter was on Oak Grove School District Santa Teresa Elementary School letterhead and signed by the principal. [SAS]

December 6, 1999

Dear Parents:

This news bulletin from Britton Middle School in Morgan Hill School District, dated Friday, November 19, 1999, was recently brought to our attention. The context is as follows:

Please be informed that a Britton female student was abducted at approximately 9:00 a.m. by an Hispanic male, approximately 35 years old. The abductor was wearing a light colored shirt and jeans. The student was grabbed and pulled into the car at a bus stop in the San Martin area, and she was eventually driven to Safeway on East Dunne. The student fought her abductor and got away. Since the student is 11 years old, there is a possibility the abductor may be looking for young females. Police have taken a report and have issued an "all points bulletin."

An additional report included information that on Wednesday, Dec. 1, 1999, the car was seen by students from Martin Murphy Middle School. It was reported that the man offered girls candy.

Even though the original incident was reported two weeks ago, there is now the December 1 report. Let these reported incidences serve as an important reminder of how urgent it is to continually discuss safety practices with your children.


Linda Barrientos

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