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Community News - Press Release

October 13, 1999


For Further Information:

Kathy Chavez Napoli
(408) 727-6898

Napoli Announces Support of Neighborhood Position on Calpine Power Plant

San Jose - After months of research and attending meetings with various interested groups, San Jose City Council Candidate Kathy Chavez Napoli has announced her support of the widespread neighborhood opposition to the Calpine power plant proposed for District 2.

"I have gathered information for several months and attended meetings with representatives of Calpine, the California Energy Commission, the City of San Jose, Cisco Systems, Gibson Speno, and many, many residents of District 2," Napoli said. "So far, I have not heard any compelling arguments from Calpine to convince me that the gateway to the Coyote Valley is the appropriate place for a power plant.

"Coyote Valley has been reserved for future development by the City of San Jose for many years," Napoli continued. "The type of heavy industrial development proposed by Calpine was never in the city's plan for Coyote Valley and would dramatically change the focus of future developments. We should continue with the current General Plan that has been worked out with so much citizen input."

Napoli said her major concern was pollution generated by the proposed power plant, which would diminish the quality of life in surrounding neighborhoods. "The Coyote Valley truly represents the future of San Jose. I don't think we want a project that would be the biggest single source polluter in San Jose to set the tone for future developments in Coyote Valley or San Jose. We especially should not do so at the expense of existing neighborhoods"

Napoli also said she has not been convinced by Calpine that there is a need for the power which would be produced by their proposed plant. "South San Jose's source of power has long been the Moss Landing plant," Napoli stated. "With the proposed modernization of the Moss Landing facility, San Jose's supply of available power will nearly double which is ample for current and future needs."

In contrast to Calpine's proposed development, the California Energy Commission reports that the Moss Landing site is already zoned for heavy industrial use, and the modernization project has the support of its surrounding neighbors, according to Napoli.

Commenting on Calpine's recent release of their architectural plans to disguise the proposed power plant's smoke stacks as office towers, Napoli said, "Calpine may plan on hiding the smoke stacks, but they can't hide the pollution. We'll get three tons of pollution a day and only 30 new jobs. That's less than one job per year over the life of the proposed plant."

Napoli joins the 6,000 plus supporters of the Santa Teresa Citizen Action Group, as well as other neighborhood and community groups, in opposing the development of the Calpine power plant.


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