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August 16, 1999
The Honorable Charlotte Powers
Council Member, District #2
City of San Jose
801 North First Street, 6th Floor
San Jose. CA 95113
RE: North Coyote Valley
Dear Councilwoman Powers:
On behalf of Coyote Valley Research Park, LLC. I am writing with regard to the proposed General Plan Amendment (GPA) for the Calpine & Bechtel Metcalf Energy Center ("MEC") in North Coyote Valley. For more than 15 years, the North Coyote Valley Campus Industrial Area has been designated in San Jose's General Plan specifically for companies like Cisco and their expansions. As you know, Cisco Systems is planning to invest nearly $1 billion for its campus in North Coyote Valley to accommodate its long-term expansion plans in San Jose.
CVRP is concerned about the energy center project at the proposed location. As you are aware, the energy center is inconsistent with the Campus Industrial designation in North Coyote Valley. The proposed energy center use may well be incompatible with the adjoining campus environment, which is primarily planned for high-end office and research & development uses. We also have concerns about and want to fully understand the potential environmental, safety, visual and compatibility impacts associated with the MEC project.
For your information, the North Coyote Valley Campus Industrial Area and the Cisco campus do not require energy from the proposed MEC project for their development. Except for their geographical proximity, the proposed Cisco campus and the energy center are completely separate and distinct projects and are not connected in any way.
We are actively reviewing the application for certification and environmental analysis for the energy center project. We will continue to monitor the California Energy Commission and City of San Jose regulatory processes and provide comments regarding the MEC project.
We look forward to working with you on the new Cisco campus. If you have any questions or need information regarding the proposed Cisco campus, please don't hesitate to contact mc at 408-278-6860 or Eric Morley, with the Morley Hunter Group, at 408-293-7680.
Thank you for your time and consideration on this issue.
Best Regards,
Steven G. Speno
Gibson Speno, LLC for Coyote Valley Research Park, LLC
cc. Mayor Ron Gonzales
James Derryberry
Ellen Jamason, Cisco Systems, Inc.
Nancy Bareilles, Cisco Systems, Inc.
Craig Manning, Cisco Systems, Inc.
Stuart Shiff, Divco West Properties, LLC
Vic Fracaro, Divco West Properties, LLC
Randy Lamb, Gibson Speno, LLC
Amy Forbes, Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher
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