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I was at the Old Lucky center (Cottle & Santa Teresa) today & noticed construction in front of the store. I talked to the men working there and was told that they are filling the eaves above the sidewalk so the pigeons can't roost there. They were only filling in the eaves in front of Lucky, Wolf Camera and in front of the pizza parlor.
They said that Rite Aid hadn't decided to do it yet.
Remember neighbors - Lucky Stores owns the Lucky space, but does not own the Rite Aid and other spaces. Who hired the construction company? The men I talked to didn't know.
Are they upgrading a little bit? Is this the beginning of the much needed face lift? Who paid for the pigeon protected eaves above the sidewalk? Lucky Stores? Duckett-Wilson? Why? Did the sale of the property go through? Do they have a possible tenant? Remember Lucky's has a "food exclusive" and won't allow a food store (unless it's a specialty store) move in. (By the way, are there any attorneys who would like to explain to me why an owner can dictate what the buyer he sells to does with his newly acquired property? This "food exclusive" is hard to understand! If we sold our home, could we sell it with a deed that says no one can run a home based construction company from this home now or in the future? No one can run a construction company from our old home because we are moving 2 miles away and we don't want any construction competitors?)
I will drop Duckett-Wilson a line and ask who hired the work done?
Also, the lights in the parking lot between McDonalds & Union 76 were being fixed.
I'll let you know when I know.
Tom Wilson of Duckett-Wilson responded April 15, 1999. Below was his response:
Duckett-Wilson is currently covering the area between the Tenant signs and the roof on all buildings except Rite Aid (Haven't got their approval yet), to prevent the pigeons from roosting there. Hopefully this will stop the pigeon droppings we have been seeing on the sidewalks.
So far their is some interst in leasing the old Lucky building, but no one definate yet. This portion of the leasing process takes time, while the prospective tenants scouts out the area and tries to predict the sales they could generate from a store there. We will let you know when something firms up.
In the meantime, we continue to work with the vendors and tenants in the center to keep it clean and lively. Let me know if you have any suggestions on how we can improve.
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