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A very concerned woman asked me last week if the old Fairchild area is safe especially for people to go there and do their grocery shopping. She had been told it would never be safe and cleaned up. I remember reading an article in the San Jose Mercury News that described the clean up process, but that was some time ago. I asked our San Jose City Councilmember, Charlotte Powers, to address her concerns. I felt with the Lucky's Grand Opening this week, it would be very relevant for us all. Below, was Ms. Powers' response: [SAS]
"As many of you may know, Lucky Stores opened its Super Lucky/Sav-on Store on February 9, 1999 at the newly established Bernal Oaks/San Ignacio Shopping Center located on the corner of Bernal Road and Santa Teresa Boulevard. The Super Lucky/Sav-on Store will include a pharmacy, full-service floral shop and bakery. Additionally, the center will include another anchor store (yet to be announced), smaller retail businesses, food operations and full-service restaurants."
"The community surrounding the former Lucky's Store off Santa Teresa Boulevard and Cottle Road (Plaza de Santa Teresa Shopping Center) have raised concerns regarding the future of that center and a replacement store for the closing Lucky's. The Shopping center management firm, Lucky's and myself have pledged to work with the community to continue to provide food services at the center and resolve issues regarding the general upkeep/upgrades of the center raised by the community. Although rumors have indicated that there is the possibility of housing (e.g., affordable housing) to replace the center, that is not true at all. There are no plans for such a project/development."
"Most importantly, the announcement of the new Bernal Oaks/San Ignacio Shopping Center signifies the end to the former Fairchild building! The Fairchild site had been a real eyesore in the community and an area of controversy concerning the improper storage of hazardous materials since the late 1970's. Although that has been the case, Fairchild Corporation, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and other federal and state agencies have spent billion of dollars to complete the clean up of the property and encapsulate any hazardous materials. Furthermore, the EPA has issued a official/certified clearance for the site. Therefore, I am assured and would like to reassure the community that the site is perfectly safe."
"Thank you for your concern for the Dist. 2 community."
"If you have any comments, question or concerns, please feel free to contact me at (408)277-4282 or e-mail [email protected]"
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