Many people have asked for a way to subscribe to community related email notifications. If you
have received email notifications from in the past, then you do not need to
subscribe again. In the past, has used email notifications to remind neighbors
of community meetings that they may want to attend. Email notifications can also be used to
alert neighbors to important information specific to their neighborhoods.
Email notification could also be important if a pet became lost or even more important a child
were lost. Instead of waiting until a "news tease" came on the television telling us nothing or before
the local authorities could be mobilized, an alert can be immediately released throughout our
Email notification can also be helpful to provide information regarding community issues. If
you would like to receive notification regarding the issues of our community so you can be better
informed, check the appropriate box. has no intention of using the subscribed email addresses for anything other
than its intended purpose. We will not sell the email addresses to a third party. You can also
have your email address removed at any time. When email notifications are sent, you will not
see the email addresses of everyone else being sent the notification nor will anyone else see
your email address.