SouthSanJose.com: The Community Web Site Serving Santa Teresa, Almaden Valley, Blossom Valley, Coyote Valley and Evergreen |
Name | Address | Phone | Other Info |
Description | Hours |
American Eagle Outfitters | 281-1120 |
Apparel |
Anchor Blue | 362-1273 |
Apparel |
Auntie Anne's Pretzels | 229-2008 |
B. Dalton Booksellers | 226-0387 |
Bath & Body Works | 629-0896 |
Bath |
Bombay | 227-9589 |
Carlton Cards | 224-7875 |
Stationers |
Chinese Gourmet Express | 224-3668 |
Restaurant |
Cingular Wireless | 224-3864 |
Dr. Holbert, Optometrist | 281-3381 |
Fast Fix Jewelry Repairs | 972-9710 |
Footaction | 229-9097 |
Shoes |
Grain D'or | 281-4639 |
Restaurant |
Gymboree | 227-2458 |
Children's Apparel |
Gymboree Play & Music | 629-5813 |
Hot Dog On A Stick | 281-1856 |
Restaurant |
Hot Topic | 224-1890 |
Apparel |
Jewelry Palace | 972-1574 |
Jeweler |
Journeys | 225-8441 |
Shoes |
KARA/KRTY General Store | 293-8030 |
Kay-Bee Toy & Hobby Shop | 226-0300 |
Toys |
![]() |
Kid's Foot Locker | 226-6016 |
Shoes |
King of Knives | 578-4293 |
Lechters Housewares | 365-1703 |
Let's Talk Cellular & Wireless | 225-5166 |
Lids | 224-3482 |
Apparel |
Master Curls | 972-7979 |
Masterpiece Collection | 629-4872 |
MCI Worldcom Wireless | 281-0181 |
Mr. Rags | 224-0300 |
Apparel |
Natural Wonders | 225-2255 |
Orange Julias | 225-8019 |
Restaurant |
Prints Plus | 224-3352 |
Sam Goody | 629-7818 |
Samuels Jewelers | 578-5555 |
Jeweler |
SmartBeep | 281-8817 |
Software Etc. | 281-0872 |
Sports Fever | 578-3387 |
Apparel |
Sprint PCS | 360-0800 |
Sterling City | 224-0293 |
Jeweler |
Sunglass Hut | 227-5159 |
Sweet Factory | 363-1608 |
Taco Bell | 225-2658 |
Restaurant |
The Picture People | 629-3503 |
Tiny Computers | 224-7716 |
Trade Secret | 226-1116 |
Treasure Island | 972-9404 |
Jeweler |
Wilsons, The Leather Experts | 903 Blossom Hill Road | 225-6503 |
Apparel |
Old Navy | 913 Blossom Hill Road | 225-9974 |
Apparel |
Tuxedo Wearhouse | 925 Blossom Hill Road | 363-9900 Fax : 363-9922 |
Tuxedo Rental & Men's Formalwear | 10:00a.m. - 9:00 p.m |
Activate Cellular | 925 Blossom Hill Road | 229-1455 |
Electronics |
Ann Taylor Loft | 925 Blossom Hill Road | 227-0628 |
Apparel |
GNC | 925 Blossom Hill Road | 365-1879 |
Natural pharmacy |
Mrs. Fields Cookies | 925 Blossom Hill Road | 281-7200 |
Restaurant |
Pot of Gold | 925 Blossom Hill Road | 972-0886 |
Jeweler |
Ritz Camera | 925 Blossom Hill Road | 227-8425 |
Cameras |
Trunks & Treasures | 925 Blossom Hill Road | 229-2299 Fax : 227-3440 |
Hand painted trunks, family tree hearts | Mall hours: typically 10-9 |
Planet Beauty | 925 Blossom Hill Road, Ste 1552 | 225-7160 |
Auto Sound & Security | 943 Blossom Hill Road | 362-9237 |
Bank of the West | 945 Blossom Hill Road | 226-5484 |
Bank |
Community Policing Center | 947 Blossom Hill Road | 360-8350 |
Police substation | M/W/F: 10-3; T/Th: 4-9; Sat: 10-6; Sun: Closed |
Michaels | 949 Blossom Hill Road | 224-3123 |
Crafts |
Walgreen Drug Stores | 951 Blossom Hill Road | 578-5000 |
Pharmacy | Pharmacy hours: M-F: 9-9; Sat/Sun: 9-5 |
Shirtique Pro Shop | 102 Oakridge Mall | 227-5377 |
Apparel |
McDonald's | 104 Oakridge Mall | 629-9994 |
Restaurant |
Payless ShoeSource | 106 Oakridge Mall | 224-4533 |
Shoes |
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Progressions Salon | 107 Oakridge Mall | 224-5900 |
Salon |
Things Remembered | 108 Oakridge Mall | 224-3833 |
Gifts |
Steve's Hallmark | 109 Oakridge Mall | 578-3252 |
Stationers |
Da Cozy | 111 Oakridge Mall | 363-9926 |
Apparel |
Crescent Jewelers | 112 Oakridge Mall | 227-9900 |
Jeweler |
Motherhood Maternity | 114 Oakridge Mall | 972-8969 |
Apparel |
Fred Meyer Jewelers | 128 Oakridge Mall | 224-6394 |
Jeweler |
Sun Shade Optique | 128 Oakridge Mall | 365-9443 |
Cinnabon | 131 Oakridge Mall | 365-1261 |
Restaurant |
Suncoast Motion Picture Co. | 139 Oakridge Mall | 578-2665 |
Movies |
Foot Locker | 141 Oakridge Mall | 226-8330 |
Shoes |
Lane Bryant | 143 Oakridge Mall | 225-9075 |
Apparel |
Gloria Jean's Coffee Bean | 145 Oakridge Mall | 225-1091 |
Lady Foot Locker | 149 Oakridge Mall | 578-8659 |
Shoes |
Express | 150 Oakridge Mall | 629-3586 |
Apparel |
San Francisco Music Box Company | 151 Oakridge Mall | 224-5044 |
Collectibles & gifts |
Afterthoughts Boutique | 153 Oakridge Mall | 629-2484 |
Apparel |
Lundstrom Jewelers | 155 Oakridge Mall | 578-8424 |
Jeweler |
Whitehall Co. Jewelers | 156 Oakridge Mall | 365-1717 |
Jeweler |
Naturalizer Shoes | 157 Oakridge Mall | 227-5613 |
Shoes |
Taxi's Hamburgers | 162 Oakridge Mall | 229-8294 |
Restaurant | M-Th: 10-9:30; Fri/Sat: 10 am - 10:30 pm; Sun: 10-9 |
See's Candies | 166 Oakridge Mall | 226-4920 |
Candy |
Bare Escentuals | 170 Oakridge Mall | 224-3211 |
Bath |
Cobble Shop | 173 Oakridge Mall | 226-6556 |
Shoes |
Baker Leed's Shoe Store | 175 Oakridge Mall | 227-4481 |
Shoes |
GAP Kids | 181 Oakridge Mall | 629-5116 |
Children's Apparel |
GAP, The | 181 Oakridge Mall | 629-5116 |
Apparel |
Zumiez | 186 Oakridge Mall | 229-9614 |
Papyrus | 188 Oakridge Mall | 972-8085 |
Stationers |
Claire's Boutique | 189 Oakridge Mall | 362-0662 |
Apparel |
The Children's Place | 190 Oakridge Mall | 227-9060 |
Children's Apparel |
Stern's Travel Shop | 194 Oakridge Mall | 629-3244 |
Pacific Sunwear | 196 Oakridge Mall | 365-1435 |
Apparel | M-F: 10-9; Sat: 10-7; Sun: 11-6 |
Wet Seal | 197 Oakridge Mall | 226-1312 |
Apparel |
Contempo Casuals | 199 Oakridge Mall | 578-0692 |
Apparel |
Victoria's Secret | 203 Oakridge Mall | 226-5083 |
Apparel |
Rave | 206 Oakridge Mall | 229-1272 |
Apparel |
Great Earth Vitamins | 209 Oakridge Mall | 227-7500 |
Vitamins |
The Cobbler's Corner | 213 Oakridge Mall | 281-1711 |
Regis Hairstylists | 215 Oakridge Mall | 225-3355 |
Salon |
Anna's Linens | 217 Oakridge Mall | 229-8391 |
Linens |
Macy's | 5411 Thornwood Drive | 224-3333 |
Department |
AMF Oakridge Lanes | 5420 Thornwood Drive | 578-8500 |
Sports |
Sears | 5540 Winfield Boulevard | 574-2000 |
Department |
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78927 |